
Dispatch Verify is here to help you find quality, vetted freight dispatchers in the transportation industry.

The team behind Dispatch Verify are dedicated members of the transportation industry that have spent countless hours in an attempt to mitigate the fraud we see in transportation in the US. Our goal is to provide a reliable, steady base of dispatchers that are fluent in the industry, with the knowledge to help your business and succeed. All of our verified dispatchers have agreed to abide by a specific code of ethics that ensure you are working with the safest and most knowledgeable team in the industry.



YOU! The carrier. You are the reason our supply chain keeps moving every day.


To help keep carriers safe in a time of copious fraud, and to give our nations carriers access to safe, reliable and potential partnerships.


To give you the best chance of success.

Check out our list of vetted dispatchers for any equipment type. From there, you can be redirected to their company site where you will find contact information.

Looking for an authority to lease on to? Check out our company and read transparent information that leaves you able to make an informed decision.